Автор: enthru
MLA-30 video + final video about Qmtech board (RU)
QMTech board links and new videos
Links to the projects + some videos.
Some boards received
New JLCPCB order received.
ADC board for Qmtech
After testing it I will share it on EasyEDA website.
Some interesting packages
Longer telescopic part for vertical antenna — better SWR on 40m and 20m without a coil: Copper plate for 1.5kW load: Resistors
Changing the oil in the generator
Couple photos.
Fully assembled power load
Big battery capacity:
Building 6Ah LiFePO4 battery
Received prebuilt battery and few elements: Big one is pretty heavy and overqualified for QRP 🙂 18Ah is enough to drive 100watt
Simple tests of electronic load and Xiaomi powerbank
Video (RU)