Метка: radio
Unknown wideband amp. from Aliexpress
https://aliexpress.ru/item/1005006114325611.html Maximum output with 30v input voltage on HF band — 1.369 watts: More input power — failed output: It hasn’t any
RX — HackRF One vs rsp1a clone
Reception video and screenshots
Two useless videos
Portapack night HF reception and Wolf with LPF and B/W waterfall
SDRAngel + HackRF — demodulators
Found a use for the extra PCBs
And portapack AIS reception
HackRF PortaPack with Mayhem firmware.
+ some additional info.
ADS-B antenna and filter.
I cancelled this order on the Aliexpress because after a couple hours of thinking I decided that I don’t need it. Also
RSP1A chinesse clone
Not bad 🙂