Qmtech Zync 7z020 board pt.2
No it’s able to transmit:
No it’s able to transmit:
I was trying to run it with AD6645-105 and overclock it to 122.88mHz, but ADC chip was dead 🙁 Ordered new one
Replaced inductors with non-smd: 160m: New: 80m: Old: New: 40m: Old: New: 30m: Old: New: 20m: Old: New: 18Mhz: New: 15m: Old:
Replaced inductors in BPF — 2 handmade and other non-smd inductors from aliexpress. I forgot to make a photo of the result
There is some tuning needed, but almost nothing to solder anymore, just 2m filters mods required. And all works.
There are some place for modifications and tuning, but… assembly for big wolf is finally finished… I hope I’ll never repeat it